Pages tagged: AI learning

2 items:

AI ethics strategy with Reid Blackman

Reid Blackman, Ph.D., is the author of “Ethical Machines: Your Concise Guide to Totally Unbiased, Transparent, and Respectful AI (Harvard Business Review Press), Founder and CEO of Virtue, an AI ethical risk consultancy, and he volunteers as the Chief Ethics Officer for the non-profit Government Blockchain Association. He has also been a Senior Advisor to the Deloitte AI Institute, a Founding Member of Ernst & Young’s AI Advisory Board, and sits on the advisory boards of several startups. His work has been profiled in The Wall Street Journal and Forbes and he has presented his work to dozens of organizations including Citibank, the FBI, the World Economic Forum, and AWS. Reid’s expertise is relied upon by Fortune 500 companies to educate and train their people and to guide them as they create and scale AI ethical risk programs. Learn more at

AI 101 with Greg Edwards

At Decoded, Greg demonstrates the value of cutting-edge machine learning technologies to business leaders. Lifting the veil on data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence, he seeks to help others question their data and identify opportunities for intelligent solutions.

After working in AdTech, Greg returned to academia to investigate the state of machine learning and artificial intelligence. He completed his Master's Degree in Machine Learning at the University of London, which he holds in complement to his Bachelor's Degree in Economics from Harvard University. His work focused on developing artificially intelligent programs capable of learning and solving a range of different problems and games.