Pages tagged: Autonomy

5 items:

Digital rights with Ruth Coustick-Deal

Ruth Coustick-Deal (@nesient) has spent seven years working in the intersection of technology and human rights, in both advocacy and research. She runs a podcast The Intersection of Things ( which discusses current issues in the world of technology, from an intersectional feminist perspective with her co-host Marianela Ramos Capelo. She connects women's rights and the internet politically and practically, advocating for a consent-focused approach to technology.

Ruth has been a speaker in many international forums and events on digital policy, from explaining the Snowden revelations to understanding EU copyright legislation.

The Trolly Problem misnomer video

Article re-worked into this new video about the Trolly Problem and automated cars.

Autonomous Cars: Law and Liability

South West Futurists talk:

The Trolly problem is not a synonym for autonomous cars

An essay concerning the future of autonoumous cars and monopoly - Illustrations by Nicholas Willsher, part of Ben Byford's series on Autonomous Cars.

Article published on -

Autonomy and Monopoly - why automated cars should be unified system

An essay concerning the future of autonoumous cars and monopoly - Illustrations by Nicholas Willsher, part of Ben Byford's series on Autonomous Cars.

Article published on -