Pages tagged: Book
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Reid Blackman, Ph.D., is the author of “Ethical Machines: Your Concise Guide to Totally Unbiased, Transparent, and Respectful AI (Harvard Business Review Press), Founder and CEO of Virtue, an AI ethical risk consultancy, and he volunteers as the Chief Ethics Officer for the non-profit Government Blockchain Association. He has also been a Senior Advisor to the Deloitte AI Institute, a Founding Member of Ernst & Young’s AI Advisory Board, and sits on the advisory boards of several startups. His work has been profiled in The Wall Street Journal and Forbes and he has presented his work to dozens of organizations including Citibank, the FBI, the World Economic Forum, and AWS. Reid’s expertise is relied upon by Fortune 500 companies to educate and train their people and to guide them as they create and scale AI ethical risk programs. Learn more at
Michael Anderson, professor emeritus of computer science at the University of Hartford, earned his Ph.D. in computer science and engineering at the University of Connecticut. Susan Leigh Anderson, professor emerita of philosophy at the University of Connecticut, earned her Ph.D. in philosophy at the University of California, Los Angeles. They have been instrumental in establishing machine ethics as a bona fide field of study, co-chairing/authoring the AAAI Fall 2005 Symposium on Machine Ethics, a IEEE Intelligent Systems special issue on machine ethics, and an invited article for Artificial Intelligence Magazine on the topic. Further, their research in machine ethics was selected for Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence as an emerging application in 2006. Scientific American (Oct. 2010) features an invited article on their research in which the first robot whose behavior is guided by an ethical principle is debuted. They have published "Machine Ethics" with Cambridge University Press (2011).
UWE Professor of Robot Ethics - Engineer, roboethicist and pro-feminist. Interested in robots as working models of life, evolution, intelligence and culture.
Alan's blog
EPSC principles of robotics
Robotics: A Very Short Introduction
Calum Chace:
Calum Chace is a best-selling author of fiction and non-fiction books and articles, focusing on the subject of artificial intelligence. His books include “Pandora's Brain”, a techno-thriller about the first superintelligence, and “Surviving AI”, a non-fiction book about the promise and the challenges of AI.
He is a regular speaker on artificial intelligence and related technologies and runs a blog on the subject at He also serves as chairman and coach for a selection of growing companies.
A long time ago, Calum studied philosophy at Oxford University, where he discovered that the science fiction he had been reading since boyhood was actually philosophy in fancy dress.