Pages tagged: Ethicists

8 items:

Running faster with Enrico Panai

Enrico Panai is an AI ethicist with a background in philosophy and extensive consulting experience in Italy. He spent seven years as an adjunct professor of Digital Humanities at the University of Sassari. Since moving to France in 2007, he has continued his work as a consultant. In 2017, he studied Strategies for Cyber Security Awareness at the Institut National de Hautes Études de la Sécurité et de la Justice in Paris. Holding a PhD in Cybergeography and AI Ethics, he is the founder of the consultancy He serves as a professor of Responsible AI at EMlyon Business School, ISEP in Paris, and La Cattolica in Milan. Additionally, he is the president of the Association of AI Ethicists.

Currently, his main role is as an officer of the French Standardization Committee for AI and convenor of the working group on fundamental and societal aspects of AI at the European CEN-CENELEC JTC21—the European standardization body focused on producing deliverables that address European market and societal needs. Among the core standards managed are Trustworthiness of AI, Competences of professional AI ethicists and Suistainable AI. His main research interests concern cyber-geography, human-information interaction, philosophy and ethics of information and semantic capital.

The state of AI Ethics with Alice Thwaite

Alice Thwaite is a technology ethicist and philosopher. She founded the Echo Chamber Club and Hattusia, where she won the CogX Award for Outstanding Achievements and Research Contributions in AI Ethics. She currently works as Head of Ethics at OmniGOV, MGOMD.

2022 in review with Olivia Gamblin

Olivia is an AI Ethicist who works to bring ethical analysis into tech development to create human-centric innovation. She believes there is strength in human values that, when applied to artificial intelligence, lead to robust technological solutions we can trust. Olivia holds an MSc in Philosophy from the University of Edinburgh, concentration in AI Ethics with special focus on probability and moral responsibility in autonomous cars, as well as a BA in Philosophy and Entrepreneurship from Baylor University.

Currently, Olivia works as the Chief Executive Officer of Ethical Intelligence where she leads a remote team of over thirty experts in the Tech Ethics field. She is also the co-founder of the Beneficial AI Society, sits on the Advisory Board of Tech Scotland Advocates and is an active contributor to the development of Ethics in AI.

Probability & moral responsibility with Olivia Gambelin

Olivia is an AI Ethicist who works to bring ethical analysis into tech development to create human-centric innovation. She believes there is strength in human values that, when applied to artificial intelligence, lead to robust technological solutions we can trust. Olivia holds an MSc in Philosophy from the University of Edinburgh, concentration in AI Ethics with special focus on probability and moral responsibility in autonomous cars, as well as a BA in Philosophy and Entrepreneurship from Baylor University.

Currently, Olivia works as the Chief Executive Officer of Ethical Intelligence where she leads a remote team of over thirty experts in the Tech Ethics field. She is also the co-founder of the Beneficial AI Society, sits on the Advisory Board of Tech Scotland Advocates and is an active contributor to the development of Ethics in AI.

Moral reasoning with Marija Slavkovik

Marija Slavkovik is an associate professor in AI at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies at the University of Bergen in Norway. She works on collective reasoning and decision making and is specifically interested in these types of problems in machine ethics. Machine ethics is basically trying to answer the question of how do we program various levels of ethical behaviour in artificial agents. It is a very interesting field for both computer scientists and humanists and I like it because it pushes very hard reasoning problems back to the surface of AI.

Marija's background is in computational logic and in control theory and is also interested in all aspects of automation. She mainly writes scientific articles on computational social choice and multi-agent systems. However, being in a half media department, she is exposed to a lot of issues in how information spreads in social networks and how information gets distorted after being spread through a network and/or aggregated. Marija is now trying to bring this problem into the Machine Ethics conversation, because there is a lot of decision automation happening behind the scenes of information sharing, we see a lot of emergent behaviour of systems of artificial agents and people, but we do not fully understand it or can control it.

Governments and Post-humans with Dan Faggella

Dan Faggella is CEO / founder at Emerj – formerly TechEmergence, a market research and company discovery platform focused exclusively on artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Dan is a regular speaker for audiences of businesses and government leaders, with a focus on the critical near-term implications of artificial intelligence across major sectors – including presentations for the World Bank, the United Nations, INTERPOL, and global pharmaceutical and banking companies.

For more information, essays and talks visit

Machine Ethics with Susan and Michael Anderson

Michael Anderson, professor emeritus of computer science at the University of Hartford, earned his Ph.D. in computer science and engineering at the University of Connecticut. Susan Leigh Anderson, professor emerita of philosophy at the University of Connecticut, earned her Ph.D. in philosophy at the University of California, Los Angeles. They have been instrumental in establishing machine ethics as a bona fide field of study, co-chairing/authoring the AAAI Fall 2005 Symposium on Machine Ethics, a IEEE Intelligent Systems special issue on machine ethics, and an invited article for Artificial Intelligence Magazine on the topic. Further, their research in machine ethics was selected for Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence as an emerging application in 2006. Scientific American (Oct. 2010) features an invited article on their research in which the first robot whose behavior is guided by an ethical principle is debuted. They have published "Machine Ethics" with Cambridge University Press (2011).

Robotics and autonomy with Alan Winfield

UWE Professor of Robot Ethics - Engineer, roboethicist and pro-feminist. Interested in robots as working models of life, evolution, intelligence and culture.


Alan's blog
EPSC principles of robotics
Robotics: A Very Short Introduction