Pages tagged: Google

2 items:

Review of 2023 with Karin Rudolph

Karin Rudolph is the Founder of Collective Intelligence a Bristol-based consultancy that provides resources and training to help startups, and SMEs embed Ethics into the design and development of technology. She is currently working on the launch of the Ethical Technology Network, a pioneering initiative to help businesses identify, assess, and mitigate the potential ethical and societal risks of emerging technologies. Karin has a degree in Sociology, studies in Philosophy and is a regular speaker at universities and conferences.

Law and autonomous cars with Lucy McCormick

Lucy McCormick is a barrister at Henderson Chambers specialising in product liability, with a particular interest in autonomous vehicles. She regularly speaks and writes on this topic, as well as curating a dedicated twitter account, @LawofDriverless. She has recently been commissioned by Routledge to co-author the first legal text on the topic, The Law and Driverless Cars.