Pages tagged: ML

2 items:

Respecting data with Miranda Mowbray

Miranda Mowbray is a lecturer at the University of Bristol, where her research interests include cyber security and big data ethics. She was an invited speaker on AI and cybersecurity at the Global Cybersecurity Summit in 2017. She has a long-term interest in topics relevant to this podcast: her paper “Ethics for Bots” was published in 2002.

Miranda’s PhD is in Algebra, from London University. She is a Fellow of the British Computer Society. She spent last summer doing a research project with two Masters students on subverting the security of a swarm of a hundred small autonomous robots.

AI 101 with Greg Edwards

At Decoded, Greg demonstrates the value of cutting-edge machine learning technologies to business leaders. Lifting the veil on data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence, he seeks to help others question their data and identify opportunities for intelligent solutions.

After working in AdTech, Greg returned to academia to investigate the state of machine learning and artificial intelligence. He completed his Master's Degree in Machine Learning at the University of London, which he holds in complement to his Bachelor's Degree in Economics from Harvard University. His work focused on developing artificially intelligent programs capable of learning and solving a range of different problems and games.