Pages tagged: Standards

AI Ethics, Risks and Safety Conference - Special Edition

Conference organizer Karen Rudolph highlighted the successful turnout and the high level of technical and business engagement. Various speakers, including those from law firms, insurance companies, data science startups, and academic institutions, shared insights on global AI regulations, the importance of ethical frameworks in research, and the integration of AI in business. Key points include the need for transparency, explainability, fairness, and governance in AI.

Metrics for wellbeing with John C. Havens

John C. Havens is Executive Director of The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems that has two primary outputs – the creation and iteration of a body of work known as Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems and the recommendation of ideas for Standards Projects focused on prioritizing ethical considerations in A/IS. Currently there are fifteen approved Standards Working Groups in the IEEE P7000™ series.

Previously, John was an EVP of Social Media at PR Firm, Porter Novelli and a professional actor for over 15 years. John has written for Mashable and The Guardian and is author of the books, Heartificial Intelligence: Embracing Our Humanity To Maximize Machines and Hacking Happiness: Why Your Personal Data Counts and How Tracking it Can Change the World. For more information, visit John’s site or follow him @johnchavens.

AI standards and regulation with Jacob Turner

Jacob Turner is an international lawyer and the author of Robot Rules: Regulating Artificial Intelligence (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018). Robot Rules explains why AI is unique, what problems it could cause and how we can solve them. Jacob has lectured on regulating AI at universities including Oxford, Cambridge, NYU, and the Max Planck Institute in Hamburg, as well as at various technology companies, law firms, think tanks and regulatory bodies. Jacob has delivered seminars to the Chinese government and military on AI and national security, at the invitation of the UN. Jacob previously worked in the legal department of a country's Permanent Mission to the UN in New York and as a speechwriter to the Ambassador. He is a former Judicial Assistant to Lord Mance at the UK Supreme Court and the co-author (with Lord Mance) of Privy Council Practice (OUP, 2017). He holds law degrees from Oxford and Harvard.

Robotics and autonomy with Alan Winfield

UWE Professor of Robot Ethics - Engineer, roboethicist and pro-feminist. Interested in robots as working models of life, evolution, intelligence and culture.


Alan's blog
EPSC principles of robotics
Robotics: A Very Short Introduction