Playlist: Feminism

2 items:

Diversity in the AI life-cycle with Caitlin Kraft-Buchman

Caitlin Kraft-Buchman is CEO/Founder Women at the Table – a gender equality & systems change CSO based in Switzerland and Co-Founder/Leader <A+> Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms – a global multidisciplinary coalition of academics, activists, technologists prototyping the future of artificial intelligence and automated decision-making to accelerate gender equality with technology and innovation

<A+> Alliance is a leader of the UN’s Generation Equality Action Coalition Technology & Innovation for Gender Equality. Caitlin was co-chair of the Expert Group for the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) in 2023 with its first ever priority theme of Technology & Innovation.

Caitlin leads the <AI & Equality> Human Rights Toolbox initiative, an educational platform that supports a global community working for a human rights-based approach to AI - with equity & inclusion at the core of the code.

Women at the Table are a leader of the f<a+i>r feminist AI research Network, with Hubs in Latin America & the Caribbean, Middle East & North Africa, SouthEastAsia, and sister network in Africa, and serves as Civil Society lead for the World Benchmarking Alliance's Collective Impact Coalition for Ethical AI.

Caitlin is co-founder of the International Gender Champions (IGC) - with hubs in Geneva, New York, Vienna, Nairobi, The Hague & Paris bringing together female & male heads of organizations, including the UN Secretary-General, to break down gender barriers; she serves on the IGC Global Board, and co-leads the new IGC Impact Group on Digital and New Emerging Technologies with Doreen Bogdan Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union. Caitlin is a one of the Network of Experts for UN Secretary General’s AI Advisory Body; a member of UNESCO’s WomenForEthicalAI working group; member of the Gender Advisory Group for the AI Action Summit to be held by the government of France, February 2025 and Co-Chair of the UN Commission on Science & Technology for Development (CSTD)'s Gender Advisory Board.

Good tech with Eleanor Drage and Kerry McInerney

Dr Kerry McInerney (née Mackereth) is a Research Fellow at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at the University of Cambridge, where she co-leads the Global Politics of AI project on how AI is impacting international relations. She is also a Research Fellow at the AI Now Institute (a leading AI policy thinktank in New York), an AHRC/BBC New Generation Thinker (2023), one of the 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics (2022), and one of Computing’s Rising Stars 30 (2023). Kerry is the co-editor of the collection Feminist AI: Critical Perspectives on Algorithms, Data, and Intelligent Machines (2023, Oxford University Press), the collection The Good Robot: Why Technology Needs Feminism (2024, Bloomsbury Academic), and the co-author of the forthcoming book Reprogram: Why Big Tech is Broken and How Feminism Can Fix It (2026, Princeton University Press).

Eleanor is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge Centre for the Future of Intelligence, and teaches AI professionals about AI ethics on a Masters course at Cambridge.

She specialises in using feminist ideas to make AI better and safer for everyone. She is also currently building the world's first free and open access tool that helps companies meet the EU AI act's obligations.

She has presented at the United Nations, The Financial Times, Google DeepMind, NatWest, the Southbank Centre, BNP Paribas, The Open Data Institute (ODI), the AI World Congress, the Institute of Science & Technology, and more. Her work on AI-powered video hiring tools and gendered representations of AI scientists in film was covered by the BBC, Forbes, the Guardian and international news outlets. She has appeared on BBC Moral Maze and BBC Radio 4 'Arts & Ideas'.

Eleanor is also the co-host of The Good Robot Podcast, where she asks key thinkers 'what is good technology?'. She also does lots of presentations for young people, and is a TikToker for Carole Cadwalladr's group of investigative journalists, 'The Citizens'.

She is also an expert on women writers of speculative and science fiction from 1666 to the present - An Experience of the Impossible: The Planetary Humanism of European Women’s Science Fiction.

She is the co-editor of The Good Robot: Feminist Voices on the Future of Technology, and Feminist AI: Critical Perspectives on Algorithms, Data and Intelligent Machines.

She began her career in financial technology and e-commerce and co-founded a company selling Spanish ham online!