27. Governments and Post-humans with Dan Faggella

This month I'm joined by Dan Faggella of Emerj to chat about AI events, our post-human trajectory, AI ethicists and their possible higher position, conversations with governments and advising companies on the best uses of AI.
Date: 23rd of January 2019
Podcast authors: Ben Byford with Dan Faggella
Audio duration: 52:05 | Website plays & downloads: 541 Click to download
Tags: Business, Government, Ethicists, Singularity | Playlists: Business

Dan Faggella is CEO / founder at Emerj – formerly TechEmergence, a market research and company discovery platform focused exclusively on artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Dan is a regular speaker for audiences of businesses and government leaders, with a focus on the critical near-term implications of artificial intelligence across major sectors – including presentations for the World Bank, the United Nations, INTERPOL, and global pharmaceutical and banking companies.

For more information, essays and talks visit DanFaggella.com

No transcript currently available for this episode.

Episode host: Ben Byford

Ben Byford is a AI ethics consultant, code, design and data science teacher, freelance games designer with years of design and coding experience building websites, apps, and games.

In 2015 he began talking on AI ethics and started the Machine Ethics podcast. Since, Ben has talked with academics, developers, doctors, novelists and designers on AI, automation and society.

Through Ethical by Design Ben and the team help organisations make better AI decisions leveraging their experience in design, technology, business, data, sociology and philosophy.


Previous podcast: What is AI? Vol.1