Pages tagged: Principles

4 items:

AI Ethics, Risks and Safety Conference - Special Edition

Conference organizer Karen Rudolph highlighted the successful turnout and the high level of technical and business engagement. Various speakers, including those from law firms, insurance companies, data science startups, and academic institutions, shared insights on global AI regulations, the importance of ethical frameworks in research, and the integration of AI in business. Key points include the need for transparency, explainability, fairness, and governance in AI.

Value Sensitive Design with Steven Umbrello

Steven Umbrello currently serves as the Managing Director at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. Currently, my main area of research revolves around Value Sensitive Design (VSD), its philosophical foundation as well as its potential application to emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and Industry 4.0.

Robot transparency with Rob Wortham

Rob Wortham is currently undertaking a Computer Science PhD at the University of Bath researching autonomous robotics, with a focus on domestic applications and ethical considerations. How does human natural intelligence (NI) interact with AI, and how do we make the behaviour of these systems more understandable? What are the risks and benefits of AI, and how can we maximise the benefit to society, whilst minimising the risks? I am interested in real world AI for real world problems.

Previously Founder and CFO of RWA Ltd, a major international company developing IT systems for the leisure travel industry.

AI as slaves with Joanna J Bryson

Dr Joanna J Bryson Reader at University of Bath, and Affiliate, Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton University. Artificial & Natural Intelligence; Cognition, Culture, & Society; AI Ethics, Safety, & Policy.