This episode we're chatting with Rachel about AI taxonomy, innovating for everyone not just the few, Rachel's chronic honesty, responsibilities of researchers, socially responsible technology, ethics work as free labour, the right to repair, tinker, improve...
This episode we're chatting with Enrico Panai about the elements of the digital revolution, AI transforms data into information. HCI, the importance of knowing the tech as a tech philosopher, that ethicists should diagnose not judge, quality and making pasta, whether ethics is really a burden for companies or if you can run faster with ethics, don’t steal peoples life, and finding a Marx for the digital world.
For our 2024 round up episode we're again chatting with Karin Rudolph about the AI Ethics Risk and Safety Conference, the EU AI Act, agent based AI and Advertising! AI search and access to information, conflicting goals of many AI agents, weaponising disinformation, freedoms of speech, the LLM plateau, shadow AI, and more...
For Olivia's 3rd time on the show we're chatting about Olivia's book on Responsible AI, scalable AI strategy, AI ethics and RAI, bad innovation, values for RAI, risk and innovation mindsets, who owns the RAI strategy? why to work with an external consultant? agentic AI, predictions fo the next two years, and more...
In this episode we're chatting to Caitlin about gender and AI, technology isn’t neutral, using technology for good, diversity creation and exploitation, lived experience expertise, co-creating technologies and AI life cycle, importance of success metrics, international treaties on AI and more...
In this episode we're chatting to Lisa about: Data and AI literacy, data sharing, data governance and data wallets, design values, selling in ethics to organisations, contractual agreements and ethical frameworks, AI unlearning, what organisations needs to know about ethics, and an AI ethics consultant directory...
In this special filmed podcast swap episode I'm chatting with Alex Tsakiris about: should you learn to code to be in AI? stockfish chess AI, AI truth and What is Truth? Deductive and inductive learning, everything is statistics, statistical ethics, free will and conciousness, ESP, red teaming LLMs, Shadowbanning, and much more...
Date: 3rd of September 2024 Filmed
This is a bonus episode we're looking back over answers to our question: What scares you about AI?
This time we're chatting with Wendell Wallach on moral machines and Machine Ethics, AGI sceptics, the usefulness of the term of artificial intelligence, a new ethic or ethos for human society, ethics as decisions fast and slow, trade-off ethics, the AI oligopoly, the good and bad of capitalism, conciousness, global workspace theory and more...
In this special edition episode we hear vox-pops recorded at the AI Ethics, Risks and Safety Conference in Bristol on the 15th of May 2024. We hear about AI regulations, AI Standards, AI Ethics frameworks, principles, ethics guiding research, awareness of the ethics of AI, and explainable AI.
This episode we're chatting with Alex Shvartsman about what is our AI future, human crafted storytelling, the Generative AI use backlash, disclaimers for generated text, human vs AI authorship, practical or functional goals of LLMs, changing themes in science fiction, a diversity of international perspectives and more...
This episode we're chatting with Eleanor and Kerry on what is good technology and is it even possible? Technology is political, watering down regulation, the magic of AI, the value of human creativity, how Feminism, Aboriginal, mixed race studies can help AI development? The performative nature tech and more...
This is a bonus episode looking back over answers to our question: What is AI?
This episode we're chatting with Guy Gadney on new forms of story telling, placing people inside a story, natural language in games, LLM hype, data used in LLMs, copyright infringment, the destructive ideology of innovation, an unprecedented redistribution of wealth away from the cultural industries and more...
For our in-person episode on 2023 with Karin Rudolph we chat about the Future of Life Institute letter, existential risk of AI, TESCREAL, Geoffrey Hinton’s resignation from Google, the AI Safety Summit, EU AI act and legislating AI, neural rights and more...
This episode we're chatting with Adam Braus about natural stupidity, natural intelligence, misericordianism and avoidable misery, the drowning child thought experiment, natural state of morality, Donald Trump bot, Asimov’s rules, human instincts, the positive outcomes of AI and more...
This episode we're chatting with Harriet Pellereau about AI’s lack of reasoning ability, uses of generative AI, creativity and AI, what even is creativity? creative duties, new ways of working / digital working, 4 day week global, work life balance, the hidden cost of convenience, responsible tech and more...
This time I'm chatting to alice about teaching ethics, the idea of information environments, the importance of democracy, the Ethics hype train and the ethics community, people to follow in AI and Data Ethics, ethics as innovation and more...
This time we're chatting with Sarah Brin about types of AI, the process of making artwork, how is an artwork culturally valuable, curatorial practise for AI art, unionising creative art workers, collaborative artwork with AI, using AI to help the climate emergency, AI in games and more...
This time we chat with Roger Spitz about how to think about the future, what does a futurist do? Thriving with disruption, a chief existential officer, virtuous inflection points, delegating too much authority / decision making, our inappropriate education system
This episode Nadia and I chat about how design can co-create AI, what the role of designers are in AI services? post-deployment design, narratives in AI development and AI ideologues, anthropocentric AI, augmented creativity, new AI perspectives, situated intelligences and more...
This episode Marc Steen and I chat about: AI as tools, the ethics of business models, writing Ethics for People Who Work in Tech, the process of ethics - “doing ethics” and his three step process, misconceptions of ethics as compliance or a road block, evaluating ethical theories, universal rights, types of knowledges, what is the world we’re creating with AI?
This episode we're talking with Dr Marie Oldfield on definitions of AI, the education and communication gaps with AI, explainable models, ethics in education, problems with audits and legislation, AI accreditation, importance of interdisciplinary teams, when to use AI or not, and harms from algorithms.
This episode we talk with Josh Gellers about nature rights, rights for robots, non-human and human rights, justification for the attribution of rights, the sphere of moral importance, perspectives on legal and moral concepts, shaping better policy, the Lamda/Lemoine controversy, predicates of legal personhood, the heated discourse on robot rights, science fiction as a moral playground and more...
In this special edition episode with Data Science Festival we're hosting a panel discussing: what is ethics? Designing for Responsible AI, ethics as innovation and competitive advantage, ghost work, fairer AI, language as a human computer interface, cleaning up the web, technologies that shouldn’t be deployed and much more...
For this end of year episode I'm joined by Olivia Gamblinn to discuss: ethics boards, generative images models and copywrite, concept art, model bias and representation in the generative models, paying artists to appear in training sets, plagerism, chatGPT and when it breaks down, factual “truth” in text models, expectations for AI and digital technologies generally, limitations of AGI, inner life and the Chinese room, consciousness, robot rights, animal rights and getting into AI Ethics...
This episode we talk with Mitchel Ondili on algorithm awareness, technology colonisation in the global south, OASI the registry for Algorithms with Social Impact, AI auditing, private vs public rights to consent, submitting your algorithms to OASI, hiring, and social services algorithms, the over datafication of life, or becoming an algorithmic subject, Intentionality of services and much more.
Date: 16th of December 2022
This episode we talk with Mark Coeckelbergh about AI as a story about machines and where are we heading in creating human level intelligence, moral standing and robot-animal interfaces, technology determinism, environmental impacts of robots and AI, energy budgets, politics and AI, self-regulation and global governance for global issues.
Date: 22nd of November 2022
This episode we talk with Ricardo Baeza-Yates about: Responsible AI, the importance of AI governance, questioning people's intent to create AGI, robot rights and brain / neural rights, the evolution of intelligence, ethical risk assessment, machine ethics, making ethical choices on behalf of your users, binary notions of trust, stupid uses of AI and more...
Date: 24th of August 2022
In this episode we talk with Reid Blackman about: what is learning? What it means to be worthy of trust, bullsh**t AI principles, company values, purpose and use in decision making, his AI ethics risk strategy book, machine ethics as a fools errand, weighing metrics for measuring bias, ethics committees, police and the IRB. And much more...
Richard Bartle joins us again after his appearance on ep.65 to chat about the metaverse, different ways to design AI controlled NPC, the lack of progress of AI in games, ethical considerations of games designers, ethics of AI life, virutalism, 'smart' AI will happened, robot rights and more...
Date: 25th of February 2022
This episode we're chatting with Ryan Carrier about the positivity of the ForHumanity community, being compelled to do something about AI technologies negative impact, AI audits and topics including: trust, oversight, governance, privacy, cyber security, bias; creating an infrastructure of trust, disclosing found risks and the ethical decisions, the new industry of AI audits, human wellbeing as the whole point of business and more...
Date: 24th of February 2022
This episode Ben and Merve are chatting about 2021–EU AI legislation & harmonising AI product markets through policy, the UNESCO principles, systemic dogma, AI ethics in defence, Reith lectures and Lethal autonomous weapons, demonstrating values / principles and much more...
Date: 3rd of January 2022
This first Deepdive episode we talk to Amandine Flachs, Tommy Thompson and Richard Bartle about AI in games, it's history, it's uses and where its going. We discover NPCs, games as a test bed for AI research, different game AI techniques, back office uses of AI, job displacement, bad actors and possible futures...
This episode we're chatting with Andrew McStay about emotional human machine interface, emotion face and voice detection, emotion detection and hiring–and the possiblity of gaming these systems, interactive AI kids toys, the space between an ethical subject and an object in AI systems, raising children in an AI world, cultural differences in emotional profiling, emotional AI regulation.
Date: 15th of November 2021
This episode we're talking with Tim El-Sheikh of We chat about definitions of intelligence and augmented intelligence, ethical AI as the smarter AI, importance of a businesses AI strategy and getting data ready, AGI and what is conciousness? Human intuition, privacy as a human right and more...
Date: 10th of October 2021
In this bonus compilation episode we look back at our interviewees answers to the question: What excites you about our AI mediated future? We chat about rethinking our responsibility towards our world, algorithms that work for everyone not just the a few, social justice, solving coordination problems and humanitarian problems, growing as a humanity, building with the next generation in mind, and more...
Date: 3rd of September 2021
Short introduction to the podcast: what it is about, when it started, and how to get involved.
This time we're talking AI research with Madhulika Srikumar of Partnership on AI. We chat about managing the risks of AI research, how should the AI community think about the consequences of their research, documenting best practises for AI, OpenAI's GTP2 research disclosure example, considering unintended consequences & negative downstream outcomes, considering what your research may actually contribute, promoting scientific openness, proportional ethical reflection, research social impact assessments and more...
Date: 25th of August 2021
In this bonus compilation episode we look back at our interviewees answers to the question: What scares you about our AI mediated future? We chat gender imbalance and lack of diversity, digital personhood, climate change, ubiquitous surveillance, deep-fakes, people misusing AI, human hubris, capitalism getting in the way and more...
Date: 10th of August 2021
We chat with Lofred Madzou about AI as a journey to understand ourselves through smart machines, scepticism about wholesale job lose, understanding that “you are not your data”, dissecting the European proposal for AI regulation, examples of types of AI activities under regulation, the spirit of the regulation - human rights centric, risk based approaches, infringement exposition and compliance...
We're talking with Steven Umbrello about transhumanism, his passion for philosophy and it's practical applications, Value sensitive design a modular design practise, technologies co-constructing society, integrating VSD using agile workflows, issues of principles, moral imagination and more...
This episode is our second bonus compilation of answers from previous years of interviews asking the question: What is AI? We hear from past interviewees Jess Smith, Rishal Hurbans, Jacob Turner, Cennydd Bowles, Joanna J Bryson, Damien Williams, Olivia Gamelin, David Gunkel, Bertram Malle, David Yakobovitch, Luciano Floridi, Lydia Nicholas.
We're chatting with Phil Balagtas about speculative & critical design, speculative design as a strategy tool, using design as a what if tool, or a story to strive for, The Design Futures Initiative, doing meanful work, and getting to real trust in mission critical AI...
This episode we're chatting with the amazing Josie Young on making businesses more efficient, how the AI ethics landscape changed over the last 5 years, ethics roles and collaborations, feminist AI and chatbots, responsible AI at Microsoft, ethics push back from teams and selling in AI ethics, disinformation’s risk to democracy and more...
A laid back episode of the podcast where Anthony and I chat about Netflix and recommender systems, finding comedy in AI, AI written movies and theatre, human content moderation, bringing an AI Ben back from the dead, constructing jokes recursively and much more...
This episode we chat with Damien Williams about types of human and algorithmic discrimination, human-technology expectations and norms, algorithms and benefit services, the contextual nature of sample data, is face recognition even a good idea? Should we be scared that GTP-3 will take our jobs and the cultural value of jobs, encoding values into autonomous beings, culture and mothering AI, AI and dogma, and more...
This episode we're chatting with Robert Miles about why we even want artificial general intelligence, general AI as narrow AI where its input is the world, when predictions of AI sound like science fiction, covering terms like: AI safety, the control problem, Ai alignment, specification problem; the lack of people working in AI alignment, AGI doesn’t need to be conscious, and more
This episode we're chatting with Carissa Véliz on the transforming of power, how personal data is toxic, end of the data economy, dangers of privacy violations, differential privacy, what you can do to help, ethics committees and more...
This episode Ben and Ben are chatting about 2020 - Timnit Gebru leaving google, the promise of AI and COVID-19, Kaggle's COVID competition, GTP3, test and trace apps and privacy, AI Ethics bookclub, AI ethics courses, when transparency is good or bad, alpha fold, and more...
Date: 30th of December 2020
This episode we're chatting with Jess Smith about the Radical AI podcast and defining the word radical, what is AI - non-living ability to learn… maybe, AI consciousness, the responsibility of technologists, robot rights, what makes us human, creativity and more...
This episode we're chatting with David Gunkel on AI ideologies, why write the Robots Rights book, what are rights and categories of rights, computer ethics and hitch bot, anthropomorphising as a human feature, supporting environmental rights through this endeavour of robot rights, relational ethics, and acknowledging the western ethical view point.
This month we're chatting with Dylan Doyle-Burke of the Radical AI podcast about starting the podcast, new religions and how systems of belief relate to AI, faith and digital participation, digital death and memorial, what does it mean to be human, and much more...
This month we're chatting with Maria Luciana Axente about responsible AI, defining AI ethic terms and collaboration, where does the interest in AI ethics come from within organisations, how is it ethics for AI is related to good business outcomes, the connection of ethics and risk and much more...
Date: 31st of August 2020
This month we go back to our roots with an episode about Machine Ethics with Rebecca Raper. We chat about Moral machines and why make them, morals as constraints, moral capacity and approaches to machine ethics, machine moral ontologies, legislation vs innovation and more...
This month we're zooming with David Yakobovitch, chatting about data science education, where is the industry going, the importance of data protection and ethics, transhumanism and discrimination, reimagining the world after covid and much more.
This month we're speaking to Olivia Gambelin about: what should and shouldnt be automated, the importance of human connection, call for ethics, what are ethics, where is value created in data, probability intuition of automated cars and the the moral gap, and more.
This month we're speaking to both Eva Jäger & Mercedes Bunz on the topic of AI in Art. We discuss AI design interfaces, artificial stupidity, AI and the art market, the curation of AI art, the creative AI lab at the Serpentine Gallery a space for learning collaboration, work in progress and tools...
This month we're talking to Rohin Shah about alignment problems in AI, constraining AI behaviour, current AI vs future AI, recommendation algorithms and extremism, appropriate uses of AI, the fuzziness of fairness, and Rohin’s love of coordination problems.
This month I'm talking to the lovely Rishal Hurbans about the AI scene in South Africa, ethics as an important part of the intro to the book Grokking AI Algorithms, what Black Mirror can teach us about AI, going past ethical principles, why expert systems were omitted from the book and much more.
Date: 7th of February 2020
This month I'm talking to the prolific John Danaher about cyborg and digital utopias, why you should hate your job, the idea of robot tax, behaviourism, and theories of moral standing.
This month we're talking to the gracious Bertram Malle about social robots, whether people react differently to robots in different context, how can we build trust and destroy it, explainable AI, what is a moral robot, possible futures, and much more...
This month we're talking to John C. Havens about his work on IEEE's ethically aligned design, human rights & access to and data agency, signalling a persons values in respect to their personal data, GDP being an insignificant metric for our future, making sure no one is left out of the room when designing technology, and more...
This month we're talking to the amazing Marija Slavkovik about a new language for talking about machine intelligence, expert systems and AI history, unchecked bot networks on the internet, how our technology doesn’t work for us, collective reasoning & judgment aggregation.
This month I have a lovely chat with Rob McCargow Director of AI at PWC. We chat AI modelling unintended consequences, AI ethics audits, working with companies with dubious intentions, what we should be teaching our children, a recipe for an AI future mitigating job displacement and much more.
This month I'm releasing two episodes, the first of which is a bonus episode recorded at ORGcon2019. I talk to the audience and speakers of ORGcon about human rights, privacy, face recognition, ethical relativism, whistleblowing, AI auditing and GDPR and much more.
I met Kate in person in Bristol. We discussed chatbots in sex-tech, the complexity of human intimacy and technology, taboos in sex-tech, how sex tech can be a positive enabling industry, deepfakes and more.
This month I had a great time chatting with Jacob Turner about recent AI news like openAI GTP-2, some robo-ethics and law, overarching prinicples of AI, professionalising standards and licensing for data scientists, creating institutions capable of democratic principle creation, and doing regulation well to actually encourage innovation and growth.
Lovely chat with Julia Mossbridge this month, talking about the role of parenting in AI, considering that some kids are "jerks" should we have a new turing test for AI responsibility, the importance of inner emotional states, behaviourism poisoning science, and the acknowagement that we may have to use our intuition to know when an AI is concious.
Great speaking with Pete this month about human focused AI and his book Hippo: The Human Focused Digital Book, helping businesses get prepared and take advantage of AI, the importance and power of asking: why? And much more.
This month I'm joined by Cennydd Bowles who I've been meaning to get on the podcast for over a year. We talk about his book Future Ethics, collective action in the tech industry, ethical design sprints and crits, design fictions to bring ethical thinking to the general public (think Black mirror), the law of double affect, and the tech industry and climate change.
Date: 5th of February 2019
This month I'm joined by Dan Faggella of Emerj to chat about AI events, our post-human trajectory, AI ethicists and their possible higher position, conversations with governments and advising companies on the best uses of AI.
Date: 23rd of January 2019
This episode is a bonus compilation of answers from 3 years of interviews asking the question: What is AI?
Date: 12th of January 2019
This month I'm talking with Miranda Mowbray on: cyber security and machine learning, big data ethical code of conduct, sitting down as a team to discuss ethical issues in data projects, respecting the people who’s data you might be using, not collecting data you don't need and deleting things, and much more.
Date: 13th of November 2018
This is a very special episode of interviews with various participants of this year's A.I. retreat at Juvet, Norway. 21 of us spent 4 days in remote Norway workshopping, chatting, hiking and arguing on subjects of AI, ethics, data science, consciousness and more.
Date: 27th of September 2018
This month I'm talking with Derek Leben about his new book Ethics for Robots: How to Design a Moral Algorithm. We also dive into a general framework for machine ethics, contractarianism, Rawls’ original position thought experiment (which is one of my favourite ethical thought experiments), maximin function approach to machine ethics, and whether robots should respect the consent of a person in life threatening circumstances...
Date: 20th of August 2018
This month is (sort of) part 2 of our two part look at AI in Culture. Chris and I take an extended look at how science fiction portray technology from the realistic to law of nature breaking mythos. Our chat meanders from film to TV and includes: Psycho pass, Person of interest, Rick and Morty episode: The Ricks Must Be Crazy, Buck Rogers, Rossum's Universal Robots, 2001: a space odyssey, Moon, iRobot (film and book), The Animatrix, Her, Futurama, Robot and Frank, Big hero 6, Colossus: The Forbin Project
Date: 20th of August 2018
This month is part one of a loose series on the history of AI in Culture. In Part 1 I talk to Tim Taylor about his upcoming book on evolving machines before the 1950s, at length about genetic algorithms and their environments, as well as Descartes notion of animals as machines, machine and human co-evolution and much more. I also started a new AI consultancy for companies looking to implement responsible AI -
It is my honour to speak with Professor Luciano Floridi this month on subjects like information philosophy: “philosophy or our time, for our time”; understanding that mistakes happen in technology whether they’re design issues, bugs or oversights at big companies; what is the meaning of life in the digital world? And much much more.
This month, with the lead up to the new GDPR European personal data legislation coming in, we talk to digital rights campaigner Ruth Coustick-Deal on everything personal data.
This month I interview Greg Edwards to get to grips with the basics of machine learning. We look at the history of AI, what machine learning consists, try to describe how neuronets work, and discover the new and interesting ideas in AI research.
This month I speak to Charles Radclyffe in Bristol's Engine Shed about dubious business models exploiting technology, differing narratives of tech ethics, using the court for automated car law preemptively and much more.
Date: 22nd of January 2018
This episode I share the interviewer responsibilities with Conscious Cities' podcaster Josh Artus. I get to ask Josh some questions and Josh has some for me (Ben Byford). We chatted about: AI data misrepresentation, bias and misuse; mindful technology implementation; using AI for things other than tricking people into looking at adverts; EEG misrepresentation; Bristol is Open and technology used in the public section in our cities; and much more.
Date: 11th of November 2017
Discussing almost coining Machine Ethics, Big Data and social sciences not having the answer to AI ethics, prima facie duties and robots, everything is going to have to have some ethic, and AI as the continuation of humanity into space.
Date: 11th of October 2017
This month I'm talking to Michael Ludden about his work at IBM, what the hell Watson is, AI in culture and creating a positive cultural AI view, as well as using AI in AR and VR projects.
Date: 14th of August 2017
I talk to Alan about how humans should innovate ethically, different standards and the role of standards for designing and building robots, how autonomous systems should be transparent, and how studying robotics enables us to peer into our own behaviours and intelligence.
This month I travel to CogX 2017 in London to do a special report from the conference floor. This episode is a collection of bits of talks and sessions, vox-pops from the CogX attendees and our thoughts on the show.
I chat to Rob about what mind models people have of robots if any? Principles of robotics for creators, intelligence: doing the right thing at the right time, embodied or distributed robots, robot transparency and much more.
Clips from 2016 interviews with Nick Reed, Calum Chace, Cosima Gretton, Lydia Nicholas, Lucy McCormick, Matthew Channon, Sam Hill, and Sam Kinsley.
Interview with Dr Joanna J Bryson talking about her work at Bath University, the new principles of robotics, qualifying definitions of AI, the ethical paradox of living forever, AI as slaves, while trying not to mention Donald Trump.
Interview with Sam Kinsley on AI in Geography, ways of talking about and exploring possibilities of technologies within space, how we talk about technologies in culture, and about the apparent technology optimism in Silicon Valley.
Date: 20th of December 2016
Interview with Sam Hill on Machine suffering, Social / emotional machines, What is AI? Smart machines with dumb jobs, games and simulation, this week's AI news and creating a computer narrative immersive theatre production.
Date: 17th of October 2016
Interview with Matthew Channon talking about EU and UK car legislation for automated cars, insurance industry and automated cars, central governmental insurance fund, car loop systems, cross border insurance, strict liability and much more.
Date: 18th of September 2016
Interview with Lucy McCormick talking about her book on the law of driverless cars, the Google and Tesla car crashes, autonomous car insurance legislation, the Queen's modern transport bill, and much more.
Podcast 4. Talking with Lydia Nicholas on adaptive systems, story telling, machine learning regulation, and managing data bias.
Chatting with Dr Cosima Gretton on AI, Health care and it's current cost structure and technologies, Ethics in education and more...
We discuss differring types of AI and future scenarios, the end of Moore's Law, the possibilities of 'friendly' AI, China's Sesame project and Calum's Books.
Chat with Nick Reed of TRL - we ask hard questions about how the UK are testing automated cars today, discuss recent AI news, blue sky thinking, and chat neural networks and genetic algorithms.